Adjust for Life Corporate

Business Productivity Architects

Chemical, physical and emotional stress has been a thief, robbing business of billions in profits, stability and growth for years.

Now is the time to think “outside the box” and embrace an incisive correction. Align your purpose, goals and vision with functional transformation. Decide to be the trend setter who can measure the future in grounded human assets and predictable profitability.

Our appoach is to work with the source code of your greatest assets (the employees you have gathered,  grown with and depend on) to elevate their expectations, genuinely mitigate the internal interference that prevents proper focus, performance, productivity and improve their overall well-being.

Dr. Wayne Dyer advocated, “don’t die with your music still inside you.” We can join your company to help you realize transformation from the inside out. We use current, proven, science based technologies to assist you in building and developing a fine tuned team. A willing team working together to manifest a fruitful productive future. A team that is commmitted to unfolding an inevitably bright future that expresses the music still inside.




Key Pieces

The Wellness Crucial Reality:
1. The body is self-healing, self-regulating and self-maintaining.
2. The central nervous system is the master system controlling every function of the body.
3. Interference with the central nervous system can prevent the body from self-healing, self-regulating and self-maintaining.
Chemical, Physical and Emotional Stress

Health and Well-Being

The human brain produces several “feel good” chemicals: serotonin, dopamine,  norepinephrine, GABA and endorphins; all of which work together to produce feelings of well-being. When levels of these “feel good” chemicals are low or blocked from the brain’s receptors, which occurs when there is interference with the central nervous system, pain, discomfort and agitation are the result. 

Brain Reward Cascade

The brain produces feel good hormones. These hormomes make us feel happy, calm, peaceful, and they can give us a general sense of well-being. However, interference with the nervous system flow, as far down as the pelvis, can reduce our ability to produce those “happy” hormones. The predominate production of seratonin in the gut and the potential interference of neuropeptide receptors in the spine is why the chiropractic adjustment can lead to feelings of well-being.
It’s true  our patients quite often say they are feeling better, happier and more productive. Some say it just feels like their body is working better, sleeping better and they are experiencing a higher quality of life.

What we Do

Functional Support Structure

Adjust for Life forms a foundation upon which any Human Resources Department can build or redesign a truely functional Health and Well-being program. We cultivate and develop a more focussed, performance oriented and productive workforce that functions more like a chain than a pyramid. Everyone grows to pull together, rather than claw over others to reach the top.



Rua Alfredo Marceneiro 87, 1º DTO

(+351) 91 953 6695

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