

The human brain produces several “feel good” chemicals: serotonin, dopamine,  norepinephrine, GABA and endorphins; all of which work together to produce feelings of well-being. When levels of these “feel good” chemicals are low or blocked from the brain’s receptors, pain, discomfort and agitation are the result, and this invisible condition  affects greater than 30% of the population. It is a solid contributor to a decreased health and well-being.

Understanding Anxiety

One hundred and Twenty Five Years of Clinical Expertise

Personal Experience

“Merging our bodies with our minds first starts with tuning into all the places and ways we experience anxiety and grief throughout our whole bodies.”

For years, I lived with an undiagnosed anxiety disorder. Oddly enough, it was feelings of physical distress in my body that caused me to seek help for the problem in my mind. In my latest column for Esperanza Magazine, I wrote about what it was like to discover at the age of 59 that my heart and body were in great shape, but my mental health was suffering…


Duke University 

Duke University 

Duke University 



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(+351) 91 953 6695

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